In 1978 David "The Weatherman" Wills, Richard Lyons and Mark Hosler formed Negativland, which quickly became an absurd and noisy multimedia world without boundaries, ownership or privacy. Negativland's complex chaos of plunderphonics poses both serious and silly questions about the nature of sound, media, technology, control, propaganda, power and perception in the global village. Negativland continue to be pioneers of art in the electric age, and the medium reveals that any message is all in our heads.
Legendary sound collage group Negativland and “real-time cinema” visual artist SUE-C collaborate to bring you their latest audio-visual performance about our minds, our realities, and the evolving forms of media and technology that orchestrate our perceptions as we head into our next election: WE CAN REALLY FEEL LIKE WE’RE HERE. Negativland performs with video designed and produced by SUE-C, who appears virtually.